Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obsessions. Guilty Pleasures.

I'll admit it. I am absolutely in love with this girl. Judge if you must, but she is actually a trained musician....who kind of turned into a stripper and drug addict. But that's alright, I don't judge. (read as: I judge everyone, all the time.) But really. She's crazy, not afraid to be ridiculous, and her songs are catchy as hell. Pretty much, my perfect match.

My favorite. (Not that I listen to it all the time or anything.)

I had not intended to turn this post into anything related to Lady Gaga, but I recently acquired (acquired is such a weird word. Why is that c in there? Someone, please tell me.) her album and it seems to be the only music that can find its way on my playlist...(Interesting....) Now that I have, though, it is sort of an interesting topic. Not just Lady Gaga, but the whole concept of Obsessions and Guilty Pleasures.

I have a very addictive personality, one reason why I don't delve into the world of drugs and all that nonsense. I wouldn't last long. At all. Case in point, I just finished watching all 17 episodes of Castle in two days. Not healthy. And I do that with a lot of shows. In fact, I have seen far too many T.V (and anime) shows from beginning to end for it to be reasonable. I'm also rather obsessive about reading when I get around to it. Its a pity my compulsive behavior can never manifest itself in my schoolwork. 

Guilty pleasures are my favorite. Whether it be a food, a book, a band, a song, an activity, a place, whatever. I just love the little things that make people different from their immediate peers by liking something they "shouldn't." Most of my guilty pleasures involve music. Like Lady Gaga. There is no reason I should love this woman so much, but I do. I also love the song Fire Burnin' by Sean Kingston. Once again, no reason. But that is just fine with me. Another guilty pleasure I have is text-based mmorpgs. No one should like those, but once again, here I am, Obsessed and okay with it.

So, once again. This is completely different from what I initially set out to post about. But there are other days for those things. I feel better putting my love for Lady Gaga and fire burnin' in text.
