Monday, August 19, 2013

Life is full of surprises?

Clearly I'm trying to win the award for most cliche title, but it is what it is. Cliches are cliches for a reason.

My days have certainly hit an unexpected curve as of late. 2013 is sort of a monumental year for me now and I think I'm going to have to thank my friend for making me wear red underwear on chinese new year to counteract the bad luck of it being my year (year of the Snake).

In no particular order, this year I have gained an unexpected and truly marvelous friend, I got a wonderfully adorable kitten/horrible beast of an attack cat that I love to pieces. My roommate/best friend got officially accepted into the peace corps for her first-pick work option. (So I'm really excited about that for her, but I don't know what I'm going to do with her out of the country for over two years.) I have dealt with the weirdest/most irritating boy situation I've ever dealt with, developed a deep hatred for my job but got a light at the end of the tunnel with a new job starting in January. I also started learning how to sew completely on my own without just modding thrift store finds for things.

Last but certainly not least, I'm pretty sure I've met "The man of my dreams" (To carry on the cliche train.) I'm not going to get totally ridiculous and say how he is "the perfect man" or whatever, because he's not perfect, but neither am I. But I can say I've never felt this way about a man in my life before and there is zero way for me to describe it, aside from saying I just have this ridiculous gut feeling about him. I'm not sure its always "the best" for me, but I'm also not really sure what that's supposed to mean in general,because we have our problems, and we each have individual problems, but we're real people. And when it counts he's there for me, and despite what his history and other people (which its none of those bitches business) have told me, I know that he feels as strongly about me, if not more so. Its very interesting to be in a real relationship again after almost three years. Especially because where I am in my life is vastly different from where I was in my last relationship.  It seems significantly more adult now that, on top of a fairly serious relationship, I have a real job, and a house, and things like that. And I'm in a place in my life where I could technically be settling down if I so chose to do so. Quite weird, but really exciting!

We'll see how the rest of '13 goes, but I have high hopes for this year, and even higher hopes for '14.

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